I've been giving a lot of thought to cistern systems, with an eye to adding one to my own household for garden irrigation.
Throughout history, cisterns have helped provide a steady dependable water supply for a variety of uses, from irrigation to drinking water. As more and more pressure is put on fresh water supplies in the United States, it only seems obvious that we will once again turn to cisterns to capture rainwater and store it for use around the house. At the college my daughter attends, Humboldt State University, rainwater is captured and used for the mundane task of flushing the toilets...saving treated water for human consumption.
This modular cistern system caught my attention as I was googling for different cisterns and rainwater catchment systems. I liked the modular design and it looked like it was fairly easy to work with. It is marketed as the Rainwater HOG by a company of the same name. The tank itself is recyclable, and the modular design makes it easy to put together a cistern to meet your exact needs.
The dimensions are such that it shouldn't take up much space, and will be easy to place in unobtrusive places. I thought it was an interesting design. Most of the cistern systems I've looked have been below ground systems. I wonder if a difference in water temperature, just by the nature of the Rainwater Hog being an above ground system, creates any issues with water treatment. Either way, there is a lot to like with the design of this Hog.
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